TERMS for using Sportsvaerksted.

For the sake of your treatment, we would like to make sure that you HAVE read “the important” on the website, here: https://sportsvaerksted.com/#important

Sportsvaerksted tries to greatly reduce your symptoms during the REPAIR (defined as “half or better” when we stop compared to when we began) and teaches / instructs you to carry out the same treatment on yourself at home, but primarily it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a client to carry out the “home work” / “exercises” / “self-help” / “instructions” correctly and as instructed, secondarily to participate in a Checkup no later than 1-3 days after the Repair, and help us help you do it correctly. If you do not do both of these things (the primary and the secondary), you are obstructing your own healing, and we refuse responsibility for the further course.

This also means that if you left both the Repair and the Checkup satisfied, but then find that you cannot keep the pain away, we refuse responsibility for that: it is YOUR responsibility to perform it correctly, even three, or fourteen, or thirty days later.
Alternatively, you must order a new repair(!) and pay for it – since many factors may have changed in the meantime, and we may have forgotten what we did to you and we have to “rediscover” how your body works, even if we have notes in the journal, from our previous visit.

The treatment may hurt, but we do not press harder than you allow us to.
You may become sore or may bruise from the treatment. If you follow our instructions THOROUGHLY, you will minimize the discomfort.
If, on the other hand, you DO NOT FOLLOW our instructions – for whatever reason – then you make the discomfort GREATER and destroy the good effects you felt when you walked out the door after the Repair, and all our work is wasted, and we refuse responsibility.

We do not have agreements with any health insurance companies.

Payments are accepted as bank transfers or credit cards, but no cash.

Sportsvaerksted does not refund treatments held.
We are a service providing company, and therefore have no legal obligation, according to Danish law, to return or compensate services already performed.
If you contact us with inquiries about this, we regard it as “bad will” / “bad faith” on your part.

We will send you the invoice(s) by email – IF your employer or insurance accepts it, that’s fine – but Sportsvaerksted has nothing to do with it.

As a general rule, Sportsvaerksted always requires payment for started/held treatments, but can choose to decline this.
(this is not to cheat anyone but merely to cover ourselves from greedy and unwilling people who should not have come to us in the first place)
Our success criteria is that, before you leave us, you express that your symptoms are half, or better, than when we met. BUT this depends on a professional assessment in each case and is solely Sportsvaerksted’s assessment that make – (because there are some things that despite a great immediate improvement simply takes a week or two to fully recover, like some shoulders or hands).

In special cases, Sportsvaerksted chooses to assign a discount code or other kinds of rebates or refunds – but it is our choice whether we want to offer this.


After the treatment in Sportsvaerksted, we write a bit about what we found out in an online journal. We record all or some of the following (but not exclusively) about you – but only what you have told us yourself in relation to the treatment or written to us: your professional background, age, general state of health, previous visits to other healthcare professionals, previous visits to us and its development, your symptoms and our assessment and description of treatment thereof.
Some of it helps to give a picture of possible reasons for the condition for which you come to us for help, and the rest is documentation of the treatment, so that other health professionals can check or avoid repetitions.

You are of course welcome to read the contents of the journal, and if you ask for it, we can email it to you!
Internally in Sportsvaerksted, we may discuss its content in order to help other clients with the same symptoms, or update it with later feedback you give us about your continued state of health.

We do not share your record with third parties, i.e. people who are not affiliated with Sportsvaerksted or other practitioners, without your consent.

The above is submitted and stored by and via Terapeutbooking which is a system we rent to be the infrastructure behind Sportsvaerksted. Terapeutbooking handles appointments, invoicing, client data and medical records, via an encrypted connection between us and them and they store it with a Danish company in Denmark.

At your or your insurance company’s request, we can send you your medical records. Unless You allow us otherwise, then this is done via secure e-mail through our administration system – through the e-mail you provided to us when ordering, you will receive the log-in information so that you can retrieve the journal.
We do not send directly to the doctor/insurance company – for security reasons – you must hand over the medical record to them yourself.

In regards to booking an appointment or treatment or your opinion about Your treatment, we can contact you.

Your data is automatically deleted after 5 years of inactivity. You are welcome to contact us and have all your data deleted before then. However, we retain invoices for the sake of the tax authorities.

We regularly refer to clients’ cases in our marketing. But this is done either without a name and identifiable details, OR with the client’s consent: for example, writing a review that we then refer to.
If you feel that we have done something inappropriate, contact us and we will of course delete it, along with an apology. Naturally we will not do anything at the expense of others.